Labo #1 © Art table
with schoopwood innovation

Augmented wooden objects for art table created with schoopwood© innovation. This technique allowing to hybridize the wood with: brass, copper, stainless steel, titanium, zinc, aluminium, bronze, gold… All without any polymer. Objects made with one of the best «designer craftsman» of his generation, Alexandre Echasseriau. [Works produced with the support of the association Les Lauréats de l’Intelligence de la Main® as part of the Labo program. The Bettencourt Schueller Foundation is the main sponsor of the Le Labo Project.]

project details


Cup 110 x 70 mm – Plate 240 x 30mm, Knife 230 x 40 x 12 mm – Mortar 200 x 110 mm


Wood hybride with droplets of molten nanometric material


schoopwood ©


Alexandre Echasseriau, Steven Leprizé


On demand

Photos credits

Antoine Duhamel


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