Badges M ©
for Mathieu Chedid

We have been contacted by the production team “LProduction” which accompanies the singer -M-. In 2022 Matthieu CHEDID starts his new tour. Displeased to see all these plastic badges thrown away and without added value, he decides to develop a robust object that will become an object of art and memories for all his staff. Arca was therefore contacted to develop this collector’s badge with our famous Larmé wood. In keeping with the client’s universe and graphic charter, the colour code chosen was purple and gold, two complementary colours. Amaranth, a wood that is purple by nature, was hybridized with brass grids and then sanded to create this constellation of rhinestones, once again evocative of the universe of -M-. The printing part was done in collaboration with one of our oldest collaborators and friend “Créob’s”.

project details


Wood, Brass grid, Plastic


bois larmé ©


Steven Leprizé, Arca 

Photos credits

Jeanne Collet


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